Prokofiev Piano Concerto No 3 Janis & Kondrashin - Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Janis

Unité de gestion de stock: HDTT9450
Prix $23.00 USD
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This Product has the All in One Feature Click for more info

Title: Prokofiev Piano Concerto No 3 In C Major, Opus 26
Modest Mussorgsky Pictures At An Exhibition (For The Piano)

Artist(s): Prokofiev: Byron Janis, piano
Conductor – Kiril Kondrashin Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra
Mussorgsky Byron Janis, piano
Recording Info: Transferred from a 15ips 2 track tape
Producer and Recording Director: Wilma Cozart
Co-Engineer – Robert W. Eberenz
Engineer, Recording Supervisor – C. Robert Fine

Prokofiev: Recorded at Bolshoi Hall, Moscow Conservatory, Moscow: 1961

by Mercury Records using 35mm Magnetic Film Recording
Mussorgsky: Recorded at Fine Recording for Mercury Records, NYC 1961

Prokofiev Piano Concerto No 3 In C Major, Opus 26 26:49
1 Andante - Allegro 8:56
2 Tema Con Variazione 8:56
3 Allegro Ma Non Troppo 8:57

Mussorgsky Pictures At An Exhibition (For The Piano)
4 Promenade 1:29
5 Gnomus 2:25
6 Promenade 55
7 Il Vecchio Castle 4:25
8 Promenade :28
9 Tuileries 1:00
10 Bydlo 2:49
11 Promenade :43
12 Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells 1:13
13 Two Polish Jews, One Rich, The Other Poor 1:51
14 Limoges, The Market Place 1:20
15 Catacombe (Sepulcrum Romanum) 1:47
16 Cum Mortuis In Lingua Mortua 2:00
17 The Hut On Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga) 2:59
18 The Great Gates Of Kiev 4:11

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