Music for Flute and Piano - Haydn & Prokofiev - Pure DSD

Prezzo standard $22.00 USD

Title: Music for Flute and Piano
Haydn Sonata in G Major for Flute & Piano
Prokofiev Sonata for Flute & Piano, Op. 98
Artist(s): Linda Wetherill, Flute & Anthony Saunders, Piano
Recording Info: Producer & Engineer: Bob Sellman
Artists & Repertoire Coordinator: William Marsh
Recorded February 22, 1981 in the Bishop White Memorial Library of the
Washington Memorial Chapel Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
Recorded using two Schoeps microphones
No limiting, equalization, or compression were used during its mastering or manufacture
Transferred from a 15ips 2 track master
Released with the Cooperation and Permission of DTR Recordings


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