Music of the Polish Renaissance - Andrew Kirkman - Rutgers Collegium Musicum - DTR

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Title: Music of the Polish Renaissance
The Rutgers Collegium Musicum
Andrew Kirkman conductor
Soprano: Louise Deis, Carey Hackett, Jessica Chisholm, Cathy Whitener
Alto: Joseph Hill, Ginny Keil, Gloria Kierniesky, Elizabeth Verderosa
Tenor: David Marsh, Paul McLean, Kevin O’Malia, Timothy J. Smith
Bass: Bill Buela, Brad Croushorn, David Keil, Dan Kenworthy
Recording Info: Producer and Engineer: Bob Sellman
Recorded August 2006 at Miller Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary
This Direct-to-Tape Recording was made using two Earthworks QTC1MP microphones and was recorded at a 96kHz/24 bit sampling rate.

DSD files are converted from the 24/96 digital master files

Missa pulcherrima ad instar Praenestini 36:37
1. Kyrie 4:53
2. Gloria 7:34
3. Credo 12:42
4. Sanctus 6:13
5. Agnus Dei 5:15
Waclaw z Szamotul
Bible - New Testament - lyricist
6. Nunc scio vere 4:57
Zielenski, Mikolaj
Bible - lyricist(s)
7. Vox in Roma 2:54
Leopolita, Marcin
Bible - Old Testament - lyricist
8. Cibavit eos 2:38
Pękiel, Bartłomiej
Bible - New Testament - lyricist
9. Ave Maria 4:00
Zielenski, Mikolaj
Bible - New Testament - lyricist
10. In Monte Oliveti 02:21

Released with the Cooperation and Permission of DTR Recordings


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